

The Coastal Alumni

(click pix for alter egos...)

Where they are now

Beckett "She's Gone" Coppola


Was: Office Manager, Bookkeeper, Solution Giver

           Wise Sage, Master Baker, Yogi-in-Training

Seeker, Wanderer, Simmerer, Observer, Yogini, Student


Kirsten "New Moutha" Kleinman


Was: Technical and Office Support, Design Specialist

           Ever-Dutiful Wife, NY Jets fan, Back-up Singer

Is:  New Yorka, Enviro Girl, Organizational Queen

       Coalition on the Environment & Jewish Life

       Elis Eil Records

Kate "The Nanny" Jensen

Was:  Office Assistant, Expert Filer
Future Lawyer, Dutiful Nanny

Is:  Overworked Law Student, Sweaty New Orleans Girl

Elizabeth "Cat Keeper" Pendleton

Was: Equipment Assistant, Overworked Grad Student
Dedicated runner, Beach Bum

Is: Geological Wonderwoman

Katie "Weather Girl?? " Carlino

Was: Equipment Assistant, Office Manager, Excessive Question-Asker
Workout Enthusiast, Friendliest Person in Boston

Is: Super-Busy Accounting Nerd


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179 Sidney Street
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139-4238

Phone: 617-497-1122
Fax: 617-497-1188

Copyright ? 2002 Coastal Leasing, Inc.  Trademarks are property of their respective owners.  Specifications subject to change without notice.